Come meet ‘Annie’ star Aileen Quinn at the upcoming World Famous All Night Flea Market August 20, 2022!
40th anniversary of “Annie!”
Aileen is best known for playing Annie in the original film. She was introduced in show business beacause of her mother Helenann who was doing theatre when Aileen was growing up. Her 1st role was in Paternity and only had one major speaking line. A year after her first role broadway. She’s chosen from over 8,000 girls to play Annie.
Aileen works briefly as a translator. She excelled in Spanish language. She wants to have work in politics. She stayed in Chile 6 months for a living with her family. She teaches spanish at monmonth university. She’s a singer as well her fullname is Aileen Mary Quinn but simply refered to her first and last name as an actress.

*All guests subject to change or cancellation without notice. The Wheaton Illinois All Night Flea Market will be held August 20, 2022 from 3pm to 3am at the DuPage County Fairgrounds, Wheaton, IL. Please call Zurko Promotions at 715-526-9769 for more information or visit:

DuPage County Fairgrounds
2015 Manchester Rd,